Happy Friday! Today’s quiz is all about the outline of countries!
The rules of the quiz are simple, toggle which you think is the correct answer. There’s no time limit for this so feel free to change your mind as much as you want!
Hint: Some of these countries have islands off their coast included as part of their outline so bare that in mind! Best of luck!
In the words of Ronan Keating, “fair play!”
As Larry Gogan used to say “they didn’t suit you.”
#1. Starting off easy…which country is this?
#2. A popular place for Irish people to visit. Which countries outline is this?
#3. Which country is this?
#4. Which countries outline is this?
#5. Which country is this?
#6. Which European countries outline is this?
#7. This country is…?
#8. Which countries outline is this?
#9. This is the outline of…?
#10. Which Scandinavian country is this?
#11. Which European country is this?
#12. Which African country is this?
#13. Which South East Asian country is this?
#14. This country is…?
#15. Which of the Stan’s is this?
How did you get on? Some of them can be quite tricky especially the ones that aren’t along the coast in Europe! Feel free to share this with your friends and family!
Stay safe!