July! Direct Aer Lingus flights from Dublin to New York from €418 return!

The links to book are in green. If you want to change the number of people travelling or check prices for alternative dates, you can do so by clicking the links for flights/accommodation below. Through the links you can change the number of people travelling and check alternative dates. If there is accommodation listed below, you don’t have to go with it, it’s purely a recommendation. Here’s a list of Frequently Asked Questions – Click Here for FAQ’s.

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Hey folks, just before the deal, there won’t be any deals for a few days as I’m off on my stag. Probably won’t be any deals posted until Tuesday or Wednesday!

This deal is for direct Aer Lingus flights in July from Dublin to New York from €418 return!

If you’re looking for a few ideas of things to do in New York without loosening the purse strings take a look at the New York on a Budget Guide.

New York City comprises 5 boroughs sitting where the Hudson River meets the Atlantic Ocean, with Manhattan being the most famous borough. There is an endless list of things to see and do in Manhattan alone such as Times Square, Central Park, Empire State Building and Rockefeller Centre to name a select few. I would also recommend going to Brooklyn and seeing the iconic Brooklyn Bridge or take the ferry to Staten Island and get up close to the Statue of Liberty.

These flights are hand luggage only and a checked bag will cost extra. There is a list of sample dates I have found below but you can change the date through the links below as I have selected the cheapest fares.

Dublin to New York €418 – €430 return sample dates:

10th July – 14th July

10th July – 15th July

11th July – 15th July

11th July – 16th July

17th July – 21st July

17th July – 22nd July

18th July – 22nd July

18th July – 23rd July

19th July – 23rd July

19th July – 24th July

25th July – 29th July

25th July – 30th July

26th July – 30th July

26th July – 31st July

Please note prices are correct at time of publication and are subject to change. The above links might be affiliate links meaning I may get a small commission of any flights/accommodation booked. There are no additional fees by using an affiliate link, the cost is the exact same if you searched for it yourself. By booking using these links it helps with the running costs of the website.

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